Your Energy during Perimenopause

Dec 13, 2022

Perimenopause can be a challenging experience but it doesn’t have to mean an end to energy levels. By establishing good habits, like regular sleep patterns, healthy eating and physical activity, as well as supplementing wisely, you can find ways of managing about options that work best for you to help keep hormones and energy levels stable.

1. Establish a Positive Mindset: A positive attitude can make all the difference in how you experience perimenopause. Create affirmations that help you focus on the positives and find humour in this life transition.

2. Monitor Your Sleep Patterns: Feeling fatigued is a common symptom of perimenopause, so it’s important to get enough quality sleep. Make sure you establish a regular bedtime routine and create an environment conducive for restful nights of sleep.

3. Eat Well: Eating healthy can help give you the energy you need to keep up with your daily activities during perimenopause. Consume plenty of fruit, vegetables, and lean proteins.

4. Stay Physically Active: Exercise is essential for hormones to stay balanced, so make sure you’re getting some kind of physical activity each day. Participating in activities like yoga and tai chi can help keep hormones in balance and help reduce stress levels.

5. Supplement Wisely: Supplements can play a role in helping hormones stay balanced during perimenopause. Talk with your medical practitioner about your hormones and ask about which supplements may be helpful for you.

Making changes to your lifestyle can have a huge impact on how you experience perimenopause. By establishing these positive habits, you can help hormonal balance so that your energy levels remain high. Now is the perfect time to take charge of your health and shift into a positive mindset about this life transition.

Good luck on your journey!

About Anne

Anne, a mother of 2 and grandmother of 3, shares her insights about health through Menopause & Beyond Menopause. She does this by sharing pearls of wisdom collected in her 72 years of living and working with clients since 1999. She deepens her knowledge by reading, researching and learning as much information on the physical and mental aspects of menopause to help you through your journey with these changes in life!

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