How to get rid of your love handles

Nov 07, 2022

The love handles are the stubborn excess fat that gathers on our waist and hips. We can't cover them up, so they might as well go away! These extra kilos/pounds make you look more rounded when wearing clothes like hugging jeans or loose-fitting pants--which is not what most of us want.


That extra weight is an issue for both men and women.


You can't win when it comes to weight loss. On the one hand, you'll see your cheekbones and shed some deep abdominal fat which has been linked with heart conditions, including diabetes - but on the other side of things there's always an intention for a trimmer waistline!


With enough patience and effort, you can say goodbye to your love handles. Try these ideas for changing the way you eat and work out.


Dieting to Lose Your Love Handles


If you’re storing extra body fat, what you do in the kitchen is even more important than what you do in the gym. Put together an eating plan you can stick with for the long run.


  1. Cut calories. You’re unlikely to lose weight through exercise alone. Use an online calculator to figure out the minimum number of calories you need each day. Try small swaps like baby carrots instead of chips for your afternoon snack.
  2. Consume more fibre. Eating foods rich in fibre will help you to feel full. Good choices include fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole grains.
  3. Slow down. Eating mindfully is another way to feel satisfied with less. Sit down to eat and savor each bite.
  4. Drink water. It’s easy to confuse thirst with hunger. When you feel the urge to snack, have a glass of water or tea instead.
  5. Spread out your protein. Your body has to burn more calories to digest protein compared to fat and carbohydrates. Include a little protein in each meal and snack.
  6. Avoid empty calories. You still need to give your body its full share of essential nutrients. That may not leave much room for junk food or alcohol.
  7. Appreciate moderation. At the same time, a diet that’s too restrictive can make your body hoard fat and make you vulnerable to binging on forbidden foods. Give yourself an occasional treat and watch your portion sizes when enjoying your favorite dishes.
  8. Manage hunger. Find ways to feel satisfied with fewer calories so you don't over eat.


Exercising to Lose Your Love Handles


While spot reduction is a myth, working out is part of the solution for love handles. Physical activity will help you burn calories and blast away fat.


  1. Train in intervals. Alternating between high and low intensity exercises helps you to burn more calories in less time. Work with a trainer or design your own program, including plenty of cardio.
  2. Think big. Exercises that use large muscle groups or your whole body are more demanding than smaller movements. Spend more time doing squats rather than bicep curls.
  3. Tone your midsection. For a powerful midsection, you need to work your entire core. Target your back and your upper and lower abdomen, as well as your obliques.
  4. Build muscle. Replacing fat with muscle will help you burn more calories even at rest. Lift weights or do body-weight exercises like push-ups and dips.
  5. Move more. Staying active throughout the day counts too. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Vacuum the stairs, clean the shower and rake the yard.
  6. Schedule rest days. Overtraining can cause hormone imbalances and slow down weight loss. Take time to recover between workouts. Chronic stress has similar effects, so be sure to develop relaxation practices and sleep well.


Shrink your waist by focusing on long-term lifestyle changes you can sustain. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can transform your love handles into a strong and beautiful core.

About Anne

Anne, a mother of 2 and grandmother of 3, shares her insights about health through Menopause & Beyond Menopause. She does this by sharing pearls of wisdom collected in her 72 years of living and working with clients since 1999. She deepens her knowledge by reading, researching and learning as much information on the physical and mental aspects of menopause to help you through your journey with these changes in life!

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