Facial Rejuvenation

Mar 27, 2021

At an ever-younger age, women and men are resorting to invasive procedures such as Botox believing they are starting to show signs of ageing. Introducing foreign substances into the skin is an invasion and can have side effects. These procedures last a few months and then they need to be repeated.

Facial Rejuvenation

The aim of facial rejuvenation is to restore a youthful look to the face. There are different approaches to achieve a rejuvenated look on the face. It can either be invasive or non-invasive.


Surgical procedures

These are invasive and can change the whole look of the face. It can change the shape of different areas of the face such as straightening the nose, lift eyebrows and eyes, lift sagging skin and even change the whole look of the face.


These target the more superficial aspects of the face such as softening wrinkles, strengthen sagging skin, soften scars, etc. The treatments that are available are chemical peels, dermal fillers, and ultrasound.


Botox (Botulinum toxin) is a neurotoxic protein and is the most poisonous proteins known. There are many useful medical uses for it but when used to prevent ageing of the face, there is a valid reason to be cautious as there are serious side effects that can affect vision, the swallowing reflex, muscle weakness, etc.

Many younger people see Botox as a prevention for wrinkle formation. The toxin paralyzes muscles by blocking a neurotransmitter between nerve and muscle. The treatment needs to be repeated to maintain its effect. One of the intended uses for Botox is to paralyse muscles and to stop or decrease muscle function which helps to prevent the formation of wrinkles due to facial expressions such as frowning. In the long term those same muscles experience increased weakness as they are no longer used as they were intended to be used. What happens then when you are in your fifties or sixties?

The face also loses its natural expression, and it has an impact on how we communicate with others. When we talk to someone, we express emotions through facial expressions. When the muscles are ‘frozen’ they cannot convey these subtle feelings that we would otherwise show without realizing it. Body language, including facial expressions, are a huge part of how we interact with others. It is harder to read the emotions someone expresses during an exchange when the face has been treated with Botox.

What are Other Options?

So before booking in for an invasive treatment, ask what else can be done. One such natural treatment is The Natural Facelift Method. The treatment Rejuvenates facial features, and the online course gives you the tools to work on your own face without the need for invasive treatments or expensive products. This only takes a couple of minutes a day. It can even be done when applying your moisturizer.

The Natural Facelift Method (NFL)

Look younger, fresher, and more radiant naturally!

It works as a preventative measure and softens existing wrinkles and sagged skin. I started with a ‘damaged canvas’. My face was looking dry, wrinkled, and hollow below the cheekbones. Using the knowledge I had as a Facial Reflexologist and doing further research, I tested the techniques on my own face and successfully Refreshed and Rejuvenated my looks. I know it works!

Benefits of NFL

All skin layers are worked, and the techniques help to clear congestion in the skin, muscles are strengthened, and collagen and elastin production is boosted.

Ancient civilizations see the whole body projected on the face. This means that when massaging the whole face, the whole body benefits.

About Anne

Anne, a mother of 2 and grandmother of 3, shares her insights about health through Menopause & Beyond Menopause. She does this by sharing pearls of wisdom collected in her 72 years of living and working with clients since 1999. She deepens her knowledge by reading, researching and learning as much information on the physical and mental aspects of menopause to help you through your journey with these changes in life!

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