6 Ways to Balance Hormones Naturally!

Aug 08, 2022

To achieve balance and harmony with your body, it is important that you take time to look after yourself. This means making sure your hormones are in check as well! It can be difficult when you're juggling work and family alongside all of life's other responsibilities but don't worry - there are 6 ways below on how to get this done naturally which provide long-term and healthier results.


1. De-Stress

Short periods of stress can be beneficial however, extended periods or chronic stress can suppress hormone production, and this may lead to health problems. When you experience a lot of uncontrollable, stressful events in your life, it is normal for the body to produce more cortisol than usual which will eventually lead you into an imbalance with other hormones such as estrogen and progesterone - all while Suppressing Your Immune System.

You deserve some "me" time. You can't relax and unwind if you're constantly stressed out, so take care of yourself by learning how to relax so you feel better with improved focus!

2. Move

You know that feeling when you exercise, and it just feels right? It's like all your worries melt away, leaving only pure joy in their wake. That sense of peace is hard to find anywhere else; this little habit can give us back what we've lost by not exercising!

The more you move, the better

Exercise has been scientifically proven to improve our moods. It increases blood circulation and metabolism which gives us energy while stimulating the happy hormones in your brain!

When we go too fast, our body needs time to adjust. We should start with simple exercises like stretching and walking before moving on to more intense workouts that help us reach the goals of our fitness routine!


3. Eat Healthy

Fast foods make it easy to ease hunger quickly, but did you realize the health risks associated with it? Processed foods contain the fake hormones xenoestrogens which can cause hormonal imbalance. On top of that our body doesn’t know how to use these fake ‘nutrients’ for its benefits so it stores them in tissues ☹ If you want to maintain optimum wellness then ditch those processed items for healthier alternatives!

I love eating healthy, my body is asking for it and it gives me energy and helps maintain my weight which hasn’t changed since I became an adult, and it helps my skin to look good. I credit this to having eaten well for approx. 80% of my life.

Take care of yourself by doing simple things such as taking walks every day (or even running), Yoga, Pilates and even meditation. This helps your body and mind to balance hormones naturally.


4. Sleep well

You know sleep is important for your well-being, but did you also realize how it can affect hormones? Hormone production follows our biological clock and when we don't get enough restful nights of 7 or 8 hours, our body's natural rhythms are thrown off. This leads to an imbalance in production rates between different hormones including hunger cravings throughout the day/night as well as energy levels - which makes keeping yourself stocked up on nutrients even more necessary than ever before! So, make sure you eat well, move well and relax so your sleep improves because when one area isn’t working properly there'll likely be problems elsewhere too.

5. Medication

Hormone balance is a very important thing to maintain for your health. Unfortunately, there are many medications out on the market that can mess with your hormones and cause all sorts of side effects including weight gain or loss which will directly affect how you feel and look if not addressed correctly!

Make sure to speak to your doctor about what could happen by taking them as well as checking for natural alternatives, they might just work better than anything else before!

6. Natural supplements

Our bodies are an incredible system, but they do have their limitations. If you want to get the most out of life and be healthy while doing so - consider supplementing with a variety of natural products!

Many are found in foods. Some great options include amino acids for muscle strength & recovery, these are found in legumes, nuts, and whole grains. Probiotics help maintain digestive health by fighting off harmful organisms in your gut. Zinc helps the pituitary gland to release hormones that support the ovaries to produce more oestrogen and progesterone. Magnesium intake through foods and supplements supports bone health and may decrease some menopausal symptoms such as insomnia.

Vitamins and minerals protect the body, many are found in vegetables and seeds that help balance hormones naturally.

About Anne

Anne, a mother of 2 and grandmother of 3, shares her insights about health through Menopause & Beyond Menopause. She does this by sharing pearls of wisdom collected in her 72 years of living and working with clients since 1999. She deepens her knowledge by reading, researching and learning as much information on the physical and mental aspects of menopause to help you through your journey with these changes in life!

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